Today I tried using my pc recovery disk and was almost done when I got this message error! Cannot copy file x: preload base_05.inp from disc. Features of Easy Recovery Essentials include: Download recovery disk for Windows XP If you aren’t able to boot into Windows or don’t access to the recovery partition to create a system recovery disk, you can use our recovery and repair disk Easy Recovery Essentials to repair your Windows XP. It also shows you how to download our recovery disk for Windows XP, if you don’t have the original CD available or can’t boot into Windows XP. This article shows you how to create a recovery disk for Windows XP, if you have the original CD (can be used as a recovery disk) or, if not, how to create a recovery diskette (floppy disk). More about windows automated recovery disk Hawkeye22 Dec 7, 2011, 2:08 PM I don't know of anything you can download, but you may want to check your bios and make sure the boot order and boot device hasn't changed.
HOW TO: Re-Create a Missing Automated System Recovery Floppy Disk in Windows Server 2003 Content provided by Microsoft For a Microsoft Windows XP version of this article, see.